The Rice Hull Gardens are from Potting Shed Creations. The pots are made from renewable grain husks, mostly rice hulls. They are 100% biodegradable, which can't be said about those plastic pots.
I received garlic chives, lemon basil, lavender, mint, parsley, and oregano. I do have to say that all of these herbs are ones we grow in the garden except for the mint. But I can never get these herbs in the winter unless we grow them inside or buy them from the store. This will be our first try growing herbs inside. With the cold winter that lasts forever, we have a small window for fresh herbs. The store bought packs are expensive and we never use it all which is a waste. I'm excited for fresh herbs all year long.
And in regards to mint, we can not find it in any of the stores around here. Which I find strange because there is a city here that grows gobs of the stuff. Where is it?
Inside you will find: seed packets (oh look, it's mint), a bag of soil, and directions. See that top? It's not really a top it's a saucer. Let's get planting.
I moistened the soil a bit and then had my niece scoop out some to save for the top. The saucer works well for this. The directions didn't tell us to put rocks in the bottom but I've always done this for irrigation. You can see a few in the pot if you look.
Next, we filled the pot with the rest of the soil.
Now for planting the seeds. Do you see how tiny the mint seeds are? Very small. I was surprised at how tiny they were.
Make sure you get them all in there.
A little spritz of water and were finished. I stored them all in the cardboard box the were shipped in and put them in the basement. They need a warm, dark place for sprouting. I just checked on them today and I saw a bit of sprouts from the garlic chives coming through the soil.
I'll try and post more pictures to let you see how they are coming along.
One herb they don't sell is thyme. Although I wish they would. I love that stuff.
Thank you Potting Shed Creations for the herbs.
*this is not a paid advertisement. Just my own opinion.
Looks like fun a fun project. You're a lucky girl.
I agree, what a fun project and great idea.
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