Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jo-Jo's Place 500th Post Party

Jo-Jo's Place has just celebrated her 500th post! Make sure you stop by and congratulate her between July 28 - Aug. 3. There are prizes to be won and great products to see.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bloggy Giveaways Carnival is Here

It's time for the Bloggy Giveaways! Make sure you head on over and enter the 600+ (as of last night) giveaways. Last time there were over 800+ giveaways to enter. I know I've only made it up to 100 yesterday. How far did you make it? We will see how many I can visit today.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Rockin' Baby Sling & Simple Giveaway

*update* Just to clarify, I am not the one hosting this giveaway. Make sure you head over to Simple to enter.

I've got a great giveaway to share today. Simple is giving away your choice of a Rockin' Baby Sling. You have until Aug. 7, 2008 to enter. These are amazingly beautiful slings. I had a tough time picking a favorite but here are a few.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Baby Cheapskate Cloth Diaper Giveaway

Cloth diapers fascinate me. I have a bit of experience using them from family and friends who have cloth diapered. And I really like the new styles of cloth that look just as easy to use as disposable. I would really like to give cloth a try. I'm in luck because Baby Cheapskate is giving away some of the best looking cloth I've seen. BumGenius 3.0. Not just one but 12! Enter before Aug 6.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

coming soon - herbs

I received a great herb set yesterday. I'll post some pictures soon.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I Would Love to Try the no!no!

Has anybody out there seen this new hair removal thingy called the no!no! It burns the hair off of your body with Thermicon technology. The reviews I've read say it doesn't hurt but there is a smell of burning hair. Nice, just what I want to smell. Actually I would love to give the no!no! a try. It's supposed to make hair grow back less and less by destroying the hair with a heat wave. Sing it with me "Like a heat wave, burning in my heart er.. Legs"

Anyways this thing is expensive so I'll probably never get the chance to try it but I love to give new products a try and will keep reading reviews to see how well it works. Here are some videos if you are wondering just how this works. I watched them because the no!no! just seems so weird. Weird in a "I want to try that" kind of way.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

To Think is To Create and a Wii

Look 2 posts in one day! And here I told you I would t-r-y to be better about blogging more and now I've gone and done 2. But this is a good one.

Would you like a chance to win a wii? Well so would I!! A lot!! Here's the details:

To Think is To Create is giving one away curtesy of her sponsor to Blogher (how fun would it be to go. Wish I was going)

You have until July 16 to enter.

I'm Still Here

Sorry about the lack of posts lately. I've been in a no blogging mood lately. Don't know why just haven't been on the computer much. I'll try and do better.

Just thought I would let you know I'm actually still here.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Celebrate Mom Generations

Mom Generations is having a relaunch! They are launching with their brand new name, Mom Generations (formerly Pinks & Blues). Isn't it great! I love their new name. It matches perfectly with their site. If you have never checked them out before, now is the time. They are celebrating with an awesome giveaway. You will have to head on over to find out what they are giving away. But make sure you do it before July 14 at 5 pm EST.

Make sure you also congratulate Jane, Sharon, and Audrey on the launch.

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Smart Mama, wii, and a Green Tip

The Smart Mama is giving away a wii package that includes the wii fit as well. I would love to own a wii. They look so fun to play. Best thing about them is that the entire family could play. I've never played one so I'm assuming that even little ones as young as 4 could play. My niece who is 4 can control a computer mouse and keyboard very well so I'm guessing a wii controller would be no problem.

Make sure to leave a green tip and enter before July 22, 2008

4th of July

Happy 4th of July! Have a great day with your family and friends.