Sunday, July 22, 2007

Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway is Here!

It's here! The day of the Dog Days of Summer giveaway! You can enter to win lots of prizes by visiting Rocks in My Dryer. I plan on entering for some great items.

Now here is the exciting part, I am participating in a new way! I am having my first giveaway today! Two people have a chance to win a set of 6 homemade hair clips! I love these clips they keep very fine hair out of faces and eyes.

I have two sets available. Leave a comment and tell me if you would like to win set 1 or set 2.



Here is how you can enter to win and other important information.
  • This giveaway is open to bloggers and non-bloggers. Just leave an email or a link to your blog so I can contact you if you win.
  • US residents only.
  • Leave a comment letting me know you would like to enter and what set you would like to win
  • Drawing will be held on Friday, July 27 around 5pm eastern. Winner will be announced shortly after. (I will also try and contact winner through email but check back just in case I was not able to contact you)
I think that is everything. Wow! I can't wait to see who the winner is going to be. I am excited! Good Luck Everyone!

Close up of Hair Clips


Sarah W. said...

My parents just adopted a six year old girl from China, and she loves things for her hair. So I am entering on her behalf. SOOOO cute!

Jen T. said...

i'd love set 1 for my two little girls.

Anonymous said...

These are the cutest things I've ever seen & my hair is an awkward stage I need them desperately lol.

Anonymous said...

would love these for my daughter!

Anonymous said...

My daughter and I love set 2.

Becky said...

Either set is great...they are both beautiful!

My Trendy Tykes said...

Adorable clips. Count me in!


Aubrey said...

I heart cute barrettes. I'd love them - either set.

Unknown said...

Oh, those are so cute. Um... I think I like #1.

Robin said...

They're both so cute, but I'll say Set #1. Count me in, please.

Mrs. Sprinkles said...

I love both--too cute!

Jen said...

Just love BOTH sets! Please count me in and come by and check out my giveaway, too! Don't you just love Shannon's ideas? That girl ROCKS!


Heather said...

I love both sets as well! oh the cuteness!

Anna said...

I love both sets! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Either set is adorable but if I have to choose ... set 2. Thanks.
kanddallison at yahoo dot com

Nichole said...

Adorable! Please include me!

Melissa said...

These are so cute. Please enter me in your drawing. I love both sets, but I'll choose set #1.

Heather said...

I love both sets, but since I have to pick, I will say #1.

Anonymous said...

i like both sets...very cute. so, if i'm picked, you can send me either (or both, hehe).

Anonymous said...

These are so adorable. I can't decide which, so I'd like either one. My email is Thanks!

Heather said...

I love both sets!! My daughter loves hairbows as much as I love chocolate so this would be great!

Rocks In My Dryer said...

Hmmmm...I love them both! But I guess I'd go with set 2.

What a great giveaway--count me in! Thanks for playing along--

Hbomb said...

Count me in for set one. My girls have gotten to where they don't like bows, but I bet they would love these.

Amber said...

I love both sets so either is great with me. Thanks so much!

Mary Craig said...

Love them both...I guess set 2 if I have to choose!

heidi @ ggip said...

Please enter me. I like both sets so either is great!

Anonymous said...

I WOULD LOVE to win this!! Thank you for the opportunity!! Either set!

Elysa said...

Oooh...these are cute and really hard to choose but I guess I'd say set 2. Please enter me! :)

Across the Miles Photography said...

Too cute! Either set is adorable, but if I'm picking I choose 1

Anonymous said...

They are both cute....either is fine by me!


Melissa said...

Ok, I just love these clips! My girls both have very fine hair, so they'd be great. Plus, I used to work at a scrapbook store, and I totally recognize the ribbon! LOL! Love it!

KarenW said...

They are both cute. I think set one would be my choice.

Becca said...

My youngest is my challenge with keeping anything in her hair. These would be cute and easy to put back in if they are taken out! I think I would go with set 2.

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

TOO CUTE! Please enter my name into your drawing~Thanks! Amy

Kristi said...

I would like set 2, but they are both equally as cute. Just thinking of my daughter's style. Or more like my style for her (she's only 3). Please count me in!

aahcoffee said...

These are too cute!!! Either set would be awesome!

Rachel said...

Either set would be great but I prefer the first. They are too cute. I can never find cute ribbon.

Anonymous said...

I would love these for my grandchildren.

Shama-Lama Mama said...

Love them both, but if hard pressed would choose the first!

kcecilio at ureach dotcom

Melissa said...

You're going to make me CHOOSE?? Can't I choose both??? PLEASE?? ;) They are so cute! What a great giveaway... Baby Girl would love them :)

Angela S said...

These are awesome! I'm good with set one or two!

Anonymous said...

please enter me my daughter is trying to grow out bangs . These would be perfect. I love set 1.


Anonymous said...

These would look so cute on my daughter. Count me in please!

Anonymous said...

Both are very adorable, thanks for your offering!

Anonymous said...

I really can't decide...maybe set 1.

Christine said...

Oooh, love both sets... Please enter me!

I hope you'll visit me, too - I'm #180 at the Bloggy Giveaway hub!

Martha said...

I like them both equally!

Anonymous said...

Both sets are really great! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

I love them both.

Jill S said...

Oh, both sets are ADORABLE! Great job!!!

Awesome Mom said...

Super cute!

Kristin said...

Those are adorable - I have 2 little girls that would love those. But you know, I think I could wear something like that too!

Jennifer said...

Those are so cute! I love cute bows for my daughters hair. Please include me!

Anonymous said...

They're both adorable! Either set would be fine with me. :)

Qtpies7 said...

Those are very cute clips! I have 3 girls, so either set would work for me!
Great prize!

Suzy O. said...

Put me in my niece would love them

heather@it'stwinsanity said...

I would love either set! They are all cute! I have twin girls who are just starting to get long hair that comes into their eyes. These would be perfect!!!

Some kind of Mom said...

Sign me up!

Hope you'll visit me at Some kind of Wondermom

Anonymous said...

Both sets are beautiful!!!

Faerylandmom said...

These are adorable! I'd love set #2, if you draw my name, but would be happy with either!

Anonymous said...

Set 2, please - although they're both adorable! (I live in Canada but have a US mailing address, hope that's ok)

Tina said...

Love these.

All God's best,

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

They are both so cute, but I guess I would pick #1 if I have to pick for my daughter. Thanks for having a great contest!

Our Red Thread Journey said...

Please include me! Thank you!

Nicole said...

Both sets are too cute! Count me in!!!

Karla Porter Archer said...

I love both sets!!

(contest #119)

Anonymous said...

Pick Me Pick Me! Either set is gorgeous!

Ginny said...

These are REALLY cute, my girls would LOVE them, enter me! Too cute!!!

Jane said...

Cute! Would I share these or keep them for myself? hmmmm....

Anonymous said...

Adorable! Set 1 is my favorite. Count me in please.

Stephanie said...

They are both adorable, but set 1 is my favorite. Enter me please!

kristen said...

My girls are obsessed with clips... count me in!

Momma-Gram said...

these are adorable! what a great idea! enter me, please!

Kacey said...

Very, very, very cute! Please add me!
If I have to choose, set 1 is adorable!


Anonymous said...

They are adorable. I would love either set. They are both too cute to choose between them.

Lacy said...

cute and a half! I know some hair that would use those well!

Anonymous said...

I love them!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me into the drawing! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I’d love to win! Thank you so much!

And if you have a minute, swing by my site to check out my giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lace! Thanks for linking to Mums. :)

I LOVE your hair clips! Clips like these are perfect in my Hailey's hair.

Count me in!


Stop by my giveaways too if you have a chance!

Shannon said...

So cute! I think I like set 2 best, but it was hard to choose. :)

*Tanyetta* said...

set 2. i want these for mackenna. thank you

Jenny said...

What cute hair clips! Count me in for set 2!

Anonymous said...

I would love set 2 for my 5 year old. I've always had short hair so I am always challenged to find new ways to do her long hair.

Kristi R. said...

So cute! I'll go for set #2!

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

Very sweet! My granddaughter would look great in Set Two. Please enter my name. Thanks!

Karen said...

My nieces would love either set, please count us in!

mamashine said...

These are adorable!

Dolly said...

count me in!

Laurel said...

oh gosh, can't decide between the sets, but if you twisted my arm long enough i'd probably settle on set 1.

Laura said...

Those are so cute and would look adorable in my little niece's hair! Thanks. I'd like to win Set 2.

Toni said...

Cute, cute! I'm in.

Anonymous said...

They're darling - count me in.

Lucy said...

These are adorable! I'll take either set!

lucycontest at gmail dot com

KatieBug said...

Super Cute! I would love either set!

CG said...

I'm loving these! So cute!! I would like either set.

Andrea said...

I love set 1! :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be entered for the first set (actually, both are adorable!)

Corey~living and loving said...

ooooo! Great prize! Pick me...pick me! :) set one if I have to choose, but either is fine! :)


Jana @sidetrackd said...

These type of clips are great for my daughter's hair, and the ribbons you've used are adorable! We would like either set.


Stitchblade said...

Both sets are equally awesome!

Eden said...

Either set! They both beautiful!

Sherry said...

Set 1 please.

Unknown said...

Either set...both cute. I also have a daughter from China with very fine hair.

shoeaddict said...

I love them both! Please enter me

Anonymous said...

Oh these are so cute. I guess if I had to chose, I'd pick set one. They are both fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Sorry forgot to leave my email...(

CPA Mom said...

Both sets are beautiful and perfect for my daughter's fine hair. Thanks for the chance to win! cpamomva at hotmail dot com

Joyful Mother said...

Cute! Set 2 - but I like them both!!

bethany said...

these are so cute! I'd love either one!

Megan said...

Me too, please!

Mercy said...

Those are soo cute. Hard to choose between which one, but I think I'll go with the top picture.

Thanks for entering me!!

Anonymous said...

I have three girlies who would love to wear those adorable clips!! It's so hard to choose, but if I had to I would pick set 2. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

I love them both but I would pick #1

Dear Abbi said...

Very princesses would love them! Thanks for offering

Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry said...

Both sets are just precious, but I think I would choose Set 1 for my three girls.

Thanks for such a cute giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'm in too :) I like both sets :)

Andie said...

These are ADORABLE!!! My girlies would look so cute with them. Either set is beautiful!
Thanks for enetering my giveaway, too!

Katja said...

Count me in! I have two girls who love hair accessories, and they don't have anything like that yet! They would be so happy to win!

Adena (aka cre82learn) said...

how cute!! I really can't choose between the two.

Genevieve P said...

Please count me in! I'd love either style!

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

Set 1, I love argyles!

Unknown said...

Both sets are so cute. It is hard to decide, but I will go with set one!

Thank you for hosting a giveaway!

Anonymous said...

They're so cute! I can't decide which set I like better. I know any of them would get lots of use if I won.

Anonymous said...

Set 1

I love things like this! Thanks for the chance at winning!!

Coach Paulette said...

Both sets are very pretty, we'd be happy to win either one since we have 3 girls!

family said...

I would love to win set 1! Very pretty! :)

thediaperdiaries said...

I want these soooo bad!

Katy said...

What a hard choice! Both sets are so cute! I think set #1 would be my first choice, but I'd be very happy with set #2 too! Thanks!

Rachel said...

Oh they are GORGEOUS! I live in Australia but my MIL lives in Ohio and could receive the clips on my behalf so please can I participate? mattrachhodge at optusnet dot com dot au

karly said...

My daughter's hair and face would thank you for these! Count me in!

Unknown said...

This looks great! Please add me to your list. My e-mail address is

Ladybug said...

Count me in. Go take a look and enter our give a way too!

g said...

Count me in (
Either set is nice.

Lisa @ Deo Volente (Jon's wife)

Anonymous said...

I entered before under "kathyh_fl" but I didn't realize that my e-mail address wouldn't show up. I would love to be entered to win set 1!

Saph said...

How pretty those are!!! Would love these for my little girl! =)

Kerry said...

My sister just had the first baby girl in our family so I would love to spoil my new niece with these pretty hair clips! I think she'd love set 1. Thanks for adding me!

Angi said...

Thanks for entering my giveaway! Hoping I win these hairclips - they would look so cute on my sweet girl!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

How cute are these!!!???

I love both sets but I think I like #1 the best but I'd be happy with either.


Anonymous said...

I love those! They are very cute. Thanks for the entry! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Neat giveaway!! I'm in! Either set is fine, but if I hafta choose, I'd pick set #1. C'mon over and sign up for mine ($10 Target gift card) if you get the chance. :o)

Anonymous said...


Trina and Jophie said...

Count me in!
Trina :0)

Anonymous said...

Enter me please!
crazymamma1966 at hotmail dot com

Vanessa said...

I love both sets, it really doesn't matter! Please enter me! (VBGarber at gmail dot com)

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Both sets are cute! I would be thrilled to win either one for my little niece!

Anonymous said...

I like set 1 the best!

Julie said...

So cute. Count me in!

Kelly Stockwell said...

I love these!!!! Thanks for adding me to your drawing!

LivingforGod said...

My daughter likes set#1. Please enter me in this giveaway. Thanks!

Thankfulheart said...

Set #2 Please
Wow! It's like Christmas in July! Thanks to all of the wonderful bloggers that are participating in this great give-away!!!

HomeSchool Mommy said...

Oh, how cute!

Thanks for including me in your drawing!

Anonymous said...

I'd love set two!

Kel said...

Adorable! We would love either set.

Tracy said...

I would love either set

Tricia said...

I would love set 2!


Selina said...

Those are really cute! My daughter would really like those!

Linda SS said...

So cute! I love them both but if I can only enter one or the other I'll go with the set #1. Perfect accessories for my granddaughter who is starting kindergarten:)

Anonymous said...

These would looke great on my girls...either is fabulous!!!

PastormacsAnn said...

I like them both! Please count me in.

loni said...

I'd love set #2 for my girl. Please count me in and thank you for sharing!

Julie said...

Those are cute, either one would be great.

Anonymous said...

Enter me please!

Anonymous said...

Adorable! I'd love either! Thanks for the giveaway! Please enter me.

Sherry said...

My granddaughter would love either of these. Thanks for the kind offer!

Anonymous said...

I have 2 daughters, how can I not enter?

Kristiem10 said...

Either set is great. Adorable, actually!

Doreen said...

I would love set #1!

Sarah said...

So cute! Did you make them? Where did they come from? I am dying to get my DD used to wearing clips. Maybe these will entice her a little...

Dawn said...

I like set 1. Very cute.

Lisa said...

Either set is great for me! marmali at

Unknown said...

My girls would love them!

Feel welcome to enter my give-away at:

Fiddledeedee said...

Set 1! Both are adorable.

Treasuresofjoy said...

Set 2 is Fun for us!!!

Cristy said...

OOOhhh...these are SOOOO cute! If I win, these are going in a goodie bag for my little 2 year old DD when she comes to the hospital to meet her new baby sister! She loves clipies!!! Thanks for the chance- I hope I WIN!!

Cristy said...

Oooppsss....not trying to enter twice, I promise! I forgot to tell you which set I liked. I love them both, but I guess I'd pick #1!

BlondeBlogger said...

I LOVE these! They are so adorable! My little girl turns seven soon and has been growing out her bangs. I'd love to give her these for her bday!

Can we be entered for both? If I had to choose, I think I'd pick #1. Thanks for doing this! :)

Anonymous said...

These would be great for my neice, she has very fine curly hair. Count me int please.


impchild said...

both sets are too cute
impchild at yahoo dot com

Rockin' Mama said...

very cool

Anonymous said...

Would love this

Donna said...

Those are beautiful and I have 3 girls who would love to wear them!

lace said...


Thank you everyone who visited my site and left great comments. I will be back shortly with the winners.

Anonymous said...

COuld you tell me where you got the style of clips you used for these? I would love to make some for my two youngest dd's. Thanks!