Tuesday, March 31, 2009

We 'heart' Swings

One of my favorite activities to do on the playground was swinging. I could spend all day on the swings if I was allowed. I loved it. Now? Not so much. I feel nauseous and a little dizzy if I swing too long. The girls on the other hand love it.

As soon as they were able, they were swinging. First in the bouncer (you know those things you hang from the door frame), which they swung in more than bounced in. Then outside to the tree where we had set up a toddler swing.

Now it's a regular swing hung from the tree in the side yard. The only problem now is that we only have one swing and 2 girls who fight over it. We've been contemplating a swing set but haven't decided yet. Oh and the limb the swing is hanging from is dead on one end and I think it's getting weaker and could break. It's time to move it or get something else.

Then the other day while working, an amazing giveaway showed up in the Prizey line up. A swing set. An amazing swing set with a rock climber and a slide and a little hideout. This is the perfect swing set we need. Swing on over to Dad Blogs Big Spring Contest to enter before April 21st. The giveaway is sponsored by kidscreations.com. Make sure to take a look at the amazing swing sets they have. You can even design your own.

I have many swinging pictures but I'll just post a few more. (photos are all from various years of Buttercup and Pony enjoying the swing)

The girls love to swing in any weather. They even swing in the winter. Although it can be a bit difficult to stay on the swing with slippery snowpants.

One of our favorite ways to swing is on our bellies. We pretend we are supergirl and flying through the air. Sometimes we're circus acrobats spinning in circles.

Dogs even enjoy watching the fun of swinging. Hi Bandit. Glad you visited but you can stay at your house from now on. We did not enjoy the little present you left in the front room.

We enjoy this swing but it sure is lacking a few features. Buttercup agrees.


Nicole Feliciano said...

What great pictures. And what are those crazy comments above?

grams said...

Love these pics, are you getting spam or something? Aren't my girls adorable.

lace said...

Hmm. Looks like I got spammed and I even had the comment word verification on. I don't want to have to moderate my comments but if I get any more spam I'm going to have to.

spams deleted now.

@Nicole - Thanks for the nice comments about my photos

@grams - yes the girls are adorable.

Pat said...

my first daughter is a swing fanatic too.. I will how my second daughter likes them, I am contemplating buying the bouncer thingie
Take care

Alexia said...

I cannot believe you swing in the winter! We didn't even go outside this winter - too cold! LOL

Andrea said...

Those are great pics! I can't WAIT until it's nice enough to go to the park here. :)

Lindsey said...

How fun! I love these pictures. :-)

And you won the Nature's Baby Organics giveaway on my blog! Yay! :-)
