Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Have You Visited Camy's Loft?
Camy Tang is a Christian chick lit writer. I have not read any of her books but I do read her blog all the time. She has a wonderful blog called Camy's Loft where she reviews books, does interviews with authors and gives away books. I have won a book from Camy. Can't remember which book at the moment but I was excited to get it. Right now Camy is having a huge book giveaway. She will be giving away 3 enormous baskets of books plus another surprise. I will let you find out what that is by visiting her site. I was excited. If you don't win a basket of books you still have the chance to win one of Camy's own novels. To find out what you must do to enter for the giveaway visit Camy's Loft. And please mention that I sent you (lacelk1 or Lacey) when asked who you where refereed by.
50s Retro
5 Minutes for Mom and Pedal Cars and Retro Collectibles is having a giveaway. You can choose from these items or you can choose a gift certificate for $179.

I think I would pick the pink pedal car or the gift certificate. There are some great things here. Take a look and see. This contest ends Nov. 30
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Freshly Baked is Wonderful!
Here is the wonderful items I found waiting for me on my porch in the afternoon.
a Freshly Baked onesie from georgie tees. This tee is gorgeous. I love the colors and the witty saying. I would show you what it looks like on a baby but all the babies I know are not born yet or are a little too big to wear it. I can't wait to see it on a baby. It is a very soft and nicely made shirt.
There was also some wonderful bath products from little twig. I received the Baby wash in Calm. It is a Lavender, Chamomile and Tea Tree organic blend of wonderful goodness. I also got the Bodymilk in Lavender, Lemon and Tea Tree. They smell divine. My nieces love to use it. If I try to use something else the oldest says that she wants to use her soap.
I also received a too cute to let the baby spit up on burp cloth from baby star.
All of these goodies came with a wonderful bag from Modern Union. This bag is great. Lots of room and pockets. I love the print on this bag.
I want to thank Freshly Baked and georgie tees for their wonderful generosity. I also want to thank everyone that used me as a referral. Now go see what you can find at georgie tees. They have wonderful products.
F'Yall Has Begun

F'Yall has begun and there are several, several giveaways. Sadly, I don't have a giveaway this time. I gave away hairclips last time but I took on too many projects at once and didn't have time to come up with a giveaway. It would have been wonderful to have so many people stop by.
You can still enter to win some great things by visiting Shannon's Bloggy Giveaways to see what's up for winning.
I did spot this great looking Ulu Knife. At At Alaska. It is a knife that indigionous people in the artic regions used. Apparently it is a very easy to use knife. I would love to try this knife out. This is one that I will be entering.

Monday, October 29, 2007
Vision Forum Wishes *Update*
Life in a Shoe is having a great giveaway, and if you haven't noticed they have moved. I love the new place. Back to the giveaway. You make your wish list of products from Vision Forum. Make sure it has the VF logo next to it and keep your list at $250 or less. Make sure to sign up for the new catalog to see all of the wonderful products they have. I had a hard time narrowing my list down. I decided that everything on my list will go to a few family members, my niece and my Dad. I think these will make some great gifts for them if I win. This contest ends Nov.2
My Vision Forum Wish List
- Liberty Doll 72564 $89
- Nan Harper Doll Dress 10078 $19
- Just Like Mama Cooking Set 16006 $16
- Pouch of Ancient Coins 98550 $18
- Dirty Old Coins 98576 $38
- Maria's Party Dress 11009 $19
- Fiesta Mexican Doll Dress 11040 $19
- The Birkenhead Drill 42157 $8
Friday, October 26, 2007
Little Carnivore
I don't believe that I was a picky eater when I was little. I must ask my mom. The only thing I can remember never wanting to eat was tomatoes, cooked or fresh. My brother on the other hand was. No beans, legumes, mayo or the such would ever pass his mouth.
Maybe I need that new book Deceptively Delicious or maybe I can get some other tips and tricks from the creative people at Parent Bloggers Network.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Obsessive Friend
I do use coupon codes for online shopping. I look all over the place to find those. Here is a great spot to get coupon codes. Everybody Loves Coupons is sponsoring a giveaway to win a wii. Find out how to win by stopping by before Oct. 31
Feeling Silly?
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Work Would Go Faster With An Ipod

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Where Are Those Crayons?

Birthday Party!

From Dates to Diapers is having a Birthday Party and you are invited! I'm ready to play some games and have some good food.
Birthday Party (day one)
For my 16th birthday, I helped my friend plan my own surprise party. I know sounds awful but she needed some help with the details. She later told me she was feeling sick and needed to cancel the party. I was sad but agreed. Then later on the next day my Aunt was talking on the phone to someone and mentioned she had to go to my birthday party. I asked her what birthday party? She said your 16th party this Friday. She totally told me about my party. I had really thought it was canceled but my friend was just trying to make it a surprise after all. Even though I knew about the party, it was still fun to let people think I didn't know about it.
Party Games (day two)
Some of my favorite party games as a kid where
- Pin the Tail on the Donkey
- Twister
- Tag/Freeze Tag
- Crafts - not technically a game but a party activity
The best part of any party is the food. My favorites for any party are
- Cake - birthday cake is wonderful
- Chex mix
- BBQ wienies
- Veggies and Dip
- Nachos
My favorite cake is German Chocolate. I think this is the kind I always ask for on my birthday. When I was younger my Aunt made me a cake in the shape of a pencil. It was the coolest cake. Maybe I can find a picture and post it. Not sure if that is possible because the photos are very disorganized right now.
Birthday Traditions (day 5) Happy Birthday Today!
On my birthday every year we got to choose what we wanted for dinner. I also got to have a friend or two spend the night the weekend of my birthday. I'm sure there were other things my parents did to make my day special but I can't think of them right now.
As an adult, I get to pick a restaurant that I want to go to for my birthday. This year I chose Red Robin. I love that place and for your birthday you get a free burger and sundae (if you sign up for the birthday club)
Celebrate (day 6)
For birthdays, I usually just celebrate with close family. Mom, dad, brother, nieces, and sometimes my aunt and uncle. We usually just go for pizza or a burger at a restaurant.
Mingle (day 7)
What's are party without meeting some new friends. I am sitting next to Darcy's Knotty Knitter and sassyfrazz in Mr. Linky. Let's go mingle.
Thanks for the wonderful party and gifts. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Dyson Please!

There is a great list on Made in the USA of all products created in The United States. Check them out. It is a long list.

Saturday, October 20, 2007
I Need a New Computer
This is also the perfect place for people looking for childcare jobs. You just create a profile page listing your references and your availability. And begin looking for jobs. Sitters can also perform background checks on parents to make sure they are heading to a safe place.
SitterCity even has a pet sitting service. If you need someone to watch your pet while you are out of town, take a look at SitterCity. There were 88 pet sitters in my area. I might have to recommend this service to my friend who has over 20 animals. I wonder if anyone is willing to watch her horses.
Why am I giving you this great tip? Because I am participating in the Stay At Home Dad iMac Give-Away.
DevDad is a Stay At Home Dad, Geek Style. He now works from home and keeps his daughter home with him instead of having her in daycare. DevDad is his family blog. He has another blog called BlogHelper is just what it sounds like. It is a place to ask questions and get answers about Blogger. I have already found some of his information valuable. If you have a question he is available to help you out.
Are Your Kids Covered?
I think she would love the pixie party green wasabi shirt. It is a lovely color green and has a cute flower printed on the front.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Hawaii Fun
This was fun last time. There are some great prizes this time also. Take a look at all the Hawaii goodness you can win. This contest ends Nov. 15

Tutu Heaven

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Oompa is Wonderful

Prizey is Here and a Giveaway!

I am excited to tell you that there is a new site you can visit to find some of the great contests around the blogosphere.
Today is Prizey's launch day! Prizey is a great new online directory that lists giveaways and contests. It is an easy to follow format. Just the facts are listed. There is also a calendar that you can subscribe to that tells you of upcoming deadlines. You can also subscribe by RSS feed and even get a widget for your blog.
Prizey is a Zrecs project that has some great people working together to keep those contests and giveaways posted. Jeremiah and Jennifer from Zrecommends, Naomi from Superdumb Supervillain, Lacey (that's me!), Adrienne from Baby Toolkit. To see a list of all of the contributers and what blogs we cover visit Prizey.
To get Prizey launched and going, Zrecommends is having a great giveaway. You can win a NeatReceipts scanner. To find out all of the information visit Zrecommends and Prizey. The deadline for this giveaway is midnight (cst) Oct. 26.
Friday, October 12, 2007
The Number 3 and The Potty
As far as what she has learned, she now knows what the number 3 looks like and where the potty is located.
Parent Bloggers Network would like to know
What are your kids learning in school?
Doesn't the Lime Crush Salt Scrub sound wonderful!

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Rock With Your Baby
I love babywearing. I would love to try one of their ring slings. This one is my favorite.

Toddlers and Computers
Enter the Comfy Easy PC. This is a learning center that plugs into your PC through it's usb port. It is much easier for toddlers to use. There are several different games you can purchase. I actually have never used the Comfy Easy PC but there is one that you can win at Contest for Moms. I would love to win this. The contest ends Nov. 3.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I Want a Sigg
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Georgie tees are Posh

Monday, October 8, 2007
Amazing Mom 4 Life Giveaway Begins

Today is the day that the Amazing Mom 4 Life Giveaway begins. There are 4 weeks of fun and 4 gift baskets to be won. To see all the amazing prizes and to see how to participate click here.
Week one - Photo Contest with Mom 4 Life in the photo and sign up for their newsletter
Week two - Photo Contest with a Mom 4 Life product in use sign up for their newsletter
Week three - Send in your ideas on what being a Mom 4 Life means to you and sign up for their newsletter
Week four - Sign up for the Signing Time newsletter and email Mom 4 Life telling her you signed up
The voting begins today for week one. To see the photos that have been submitted click here. If you would like to vote for a photo, you click on the click here link on that same page. You can vote for more than one photo but you can only vote once. If you are having a hard time picking a picture to vote for, here is a suggestion:
Sunday, October 7, 2007

Need to Travel?
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Big Birthday Giveaway From Dates to Diapers
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Barefoot Books
I think I would also like Elephant Dance. Opinionated is giving away a copy of this book. If you would like to win, visit here by Oct. 3
Are You Prepared?

Monday, October 1, 2007
Kangaroodle Giveaway at DE Reviews
Here are some that I like:
October Pay It Forward

It's Pay It Forward time again. Overwhelmed With Joy is giving away 2 great books.
Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
Enter by Oct. 5
Overwhelmed also lists all the other Pay It Forwards going on. You might just find a good book to read and then be able to pay it forward to someone else.
Cyber Shower Party

Today is Janice and Susan's (the women from 5 minutes for mom) baby shower hosted by Happy Panda Baby. Janice has already welcomed her baby, Olivia. Susan's baby, Sophia has about a week still to go. Congratulations!
There are several gifts you can win by joining this baby shower and several ways you can win. Head on over to 5 minutes for mom to find out all the details. Prizes will be announced on Oct. 5.
Now for some Games:
Here are some of the great prizes you could win (and my top choices for prizes)
- Signing Time Gift Set - Volumes 1 &2 and 2 music CDs.
- Love, September - custom tutu
- Mom4Life - $25 gift certificate to her shop
- Lisa Leonard - Lucky Mom Necklace
- Blessed Baby - a onesie of your choice
- All-Natural Mommies - doll pouch
The Signing Time DVDs are great. I find I watch the show without any kids around. They are fun and teach sign language at the same time. I have also wanted a tutu for my nieces since they were born. Love, September's tutu's are very cute. Mom4Life has many great items to choose from and they also have a great blog that I visit everyday. The necklaces and bracelets at Lisa Leonard are gorgeous. I love the silver and the little circles that make up a lot of her jewelry.
My favorite baby name for a girl - I have always like the name Hannah but I know too many people with that name (some are relatives) so I would never use it. I think I would like something Irish for my babies. Maybe Riley
My favorite baby name for a boy - I actually never think of names for boys that much. Maybe Reese
My favorite Children's book as a child was the Sweet Pickles Books that came in the mail. Right now one of my favorite children's book is Llama, Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney.
I think books are some of the greatest baby shower gifts you can give or receive. A basket of books for all ages would be a great gift.
Now go join the Fun!