In my head, I kept doing the math (and talking to myself).
If you could hear inside my head, this is what you would have heard
me: "oh, here's the teas"
me: "yup. 10 for $10 so $1 each."
me: "Jess said to use 2 coupons and buy 4 teas"
me: "hmm, which flavors to choose."
me: "yummy, lemonade tea sounds good. I'll get that and raspberry, green tea, and should I get orange or peach. hmmmmmmmmmm. which. I'll get orange."
checking the coupon again
me: "the coupon says to buy 2 and get $1 off. They'd be $.50 each. That's not free! Jess said they'd be free."
me: "I don't get it"
I put the teas back because I had melting popsicles in the cart and a hungry girl tagging along. As I was pulling out of my parking space, I caught a glimpse of a banner hanging on the building.
me: " OHHHHHH! That's right, they double coupons here. They would be free!"
Went home anyways without the tea. Fed the girl and put her down for a nap. I knew I'd be going past Kroger again later and figured I'd stop in then.
So in the style of Jess, I thought I'd post my deal.
My total bill was $8.36 but after coupons I paid $0.00. I saved 100% off my bill! Actually, Kroger paid me. I used my Envirosax bag and received a bag credit of $.05. So I walked out of there earning $.05 and getting 2 gallons of tea.

Hey! I just picked up one of those teas for 25 cents the other day. It was totally by chance though.
That's cool Lace, I wished they doubled coupons around here.
Love the conversation! :)
I have had several similar convo's in my head and then left and went oh duh!!! Glad you got your free tea thought!
What a great deal! Definitely can't pass up free food or drinks! :-)
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